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== Outlet Management ==
#REDIRECT [[NETIO Specific Reference manual]]
<big><b> devices.system </b></big>
* function [[Function devices.system.SetOut()|.SetOut()]] - turns the outlet on or off
* function [[Function devices.system.ResetOut()|.ResetOut()]] - turns the outlet off and then resets its previous state
* string [[String devices.system.output1_state|.output1_state]] - outlet's state
* number [[Number devices.system.output1_consumption|.output1_consumption]] - outlet's consumption (in Watts)
* number [[Number devices.system.output1_cumulatedConsumption|.output1_cumulatedConsumption]] - outlet's consumed energy (in Watthours)
* function [[Function devices.system.resetCumulativeConsumption()|.resetCumulativeConsumption()]] - resets outlet's energy counter
* string [[String devices.system.output1_consumptionStart|.output1_consumptionStart]] - date and time since the last energy counter reset
== Socket System Management ==
<big><b> devices.system</b> </big>
* number [[number devices.system.averageLoad|.averageLoad]] - socket's CPU load
* function [[Function devices.system.Reboot()|.Reboot()]] - reboot socket's system
* number [[Number devices.system.sessionCount|.sessionCount]] - number of connected users
* number [[Number devices.system.freeSpace|.freeSpace]] - free disk space
* number [[Number devices.system.totalSpace|.totalSpace]] - total disk space
* string [[String devices.system.serialNumber|.serialNumber]] <sup><code>3.3.0</code></sup> - returns serial number of the device (Eth Interface MAC address)
* number [[Number devices.system.voltage|.voltage]] - socket's voltage
* number [[Number devices.system.overallPowerFactor|.overallPowerFactor]] - overall power factor
* number [[Number devices.system.frequency|.frequency]] - socket's frequency
* number [[Number devices.system.totalCurrent|.totalCurrent]] - total current through socket
* number [[Number devices.system.totalLoad|.totalLoad]] - total load on socket
* number [[Number devices.system.totalEnergy|.totalEnergy]] - total energy consumed by socket
* string [[Number devices.system.energyStart|.energyStart]] - time of last consumption reset
== Socket Communication ==
* function [[Function ping()|ping()]] - tests socket's network responsivity
* function [[Function mail()|mail()]] - sends e-mail
* function [[Function devices.system.CustomCGI()|devices.system.CustomCGI()]] - send HTTP request
* function [[Function cgiGet()|cgiGet()]] <sup><code>2.3.5</code></sup> - send HTTP request and receive response
* table [[Table event.args|event.args]] - HTTP GET /event variables table
* function [[Function snmpGet()]] - send SNMP request
== XML Processing <sup><code>2.3.6</code></sup> ==
* function [[Function xml.escape()|.escape()]] - escapes XML string to fit xml node contents
* function [[Function xml.check()|.check()]] - tests if string is well-formed XML
* function [[Function xml.parse()|.parse()]] - parses XML string into [[Function xml.parse()#XmlElement|XmlElement]] object
== JSON Processing <sup><code>3.3.0</code></sup> ==
* function [[Function json.decode()|.decode()]] - parse json string into obj table
* function [[Function json.encode()|.encode()]] - generate JSON string from table
(based on [http://dkolf.de/src/dkjson-lua.fsl/home dkjson])
== Standard Lua Functions ==
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/8.3.html assert(), error()] issues an error
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/7.3.html ipairs(), pairs(), next()] traverse tables
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/2.4.html tonumber(), tostring()] data type conversion
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/8.4.html pcall()] protected call function (handles error inside the function)
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/5.2.html select()] selects from multiple return value
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/2.html unpack] converts table into multiple values
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/2.html type()] returns variable type
* function [https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html os.date(), os.time()] system date and time
* function os.difftime() returns time span between two times
== Miscellaneous ==
* function [[Function log()|log()]] - insert a record to the socket's event log
* function [[Function logf()|logf()]] - insert a formated record (incl. numbers) to the socket's event log
* function [[Function delay()|delay()]] - execute function with delay (seconds)
* function [[Function milliDelay()|milliDelay()]] - execute function with delay (milliseconds)
* function [[Function toboolean()|toboolean()]] - converts any variable to boolean type

Latest revision as of 18:51, 11 July 2019